QUIZZES with children
Why include Quizzes ?
* for fun!
* to actively involve the children
* to build group/team spirit
* to help the children discover something new
* to review teaching, memory verses, etc.
* to encourage kids to think about their response
Ask yourself !
* were the rules clear and did I stick to them ?
* am I being fair to kids with hardly any Biblical background to draw on ?
* is it always the same children who get the chance to respond ?
* is there a point to doing this, or it it just filling in time ?
* is there enough variety in the questions -are they all just factual or do some demand a more thoughtful response (HOW,WHY,WHAT IF..)
* is the team competition fun or is it getting out of hand ?
Team Competitions (some of these can be scored individually,rather than on a team basis)
1. Noughts and Crosses
Two teams compete against each other, each placing a “0” or an “X” on the grid whenever one of their team members answers a question correctly.
Variations: (a) each section of the grid is labelled with a category or picture. | |
| 3.Pick-a Box
You’ll need 10 boxes or envelopes,each containing a prize (eg sweet,sticker..),and a score-card(from +5 to -4 ). When a correct answer is given, the child chooses a box, keeps the prize for him/herself and the score is added to his team’s score.
Teams answer questions from a list,then throw the dice to obtain the score for each correct response.
Two children, one from each team,stand facing each other in the centre. At one end is a chair labelled “TRUE” ; at eh other end, a chair labelled “FALSE”. A statement is made, eg “Noah was an Egyptian slave.” The first child to sit on the correct “chair, scores a point for his team.
Variation: label the chairs “OLD TESTAMENT” or “NEW TESTAMENT”. Mention an incident or character from the Bible and contestants have to decide which part of the Bible it would be found in.
Questions are placed inside inflated balloons.Scores are on the back of the question paper. The child has to burst the balloon, and then ask his team the question.
8. Crackerjack quiz
Two teams. One person from each team comes out the front . Questions are asked and each time A gets a question right, a cardboard box is put on team B’s pile which the contestants have to hold in their arms. When a pile falls the other team wins.
9. Jelly Bean Quiz
The leader begins with a packet of jelly beans which he/she explains are to be distributed amongst the children at the end of the quiz. The only hitch is that whenever a question is answered incorrectly, one of the leaders gets to eat a jelly bean. Begin with a couple of difficult questions (so that children start to think they may never get to taste a jellybean), and make a great show of how delicious the lollies are !
10. Knee-Jerk Quiz
Retell a story, making deliberate errors as you go. Everytime the children pick up a mistake, they kick out their legs in a “knee-jerk” reaction. (careful not to kick anybody).. Continue once the correct answer has been given.
11. Beat-the clock
Teh whole group tries to answer 20 questions (put of 30 possible) in 4 minutes. If they succeed, the leaders have to pay a forfeit. If they fail, the group has to pay a forfeit (like stand on one leg for 3 minutes).
12. Reaction Quiz
A good quiz to encourage kids to think about their responses. When a statement is made, the children move across the room according to whether they agree, eg “Being good at sport is better than being good at schoolwork”, “Being a Christian is easy”, “The Bible is hard to read”. |
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